Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology

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Abstract - Correlation of anthropometric and bio-motor attributes with Special Judo Fitness Test in senior male judokas

Problem and aim. Most of the preceding studies on SJFT have investigated the performance of various judokas in this test and less attention has been paid to correlation between specific judo actions and prominent attributes related to judo athletes’ performance. The purpose of this study was to define the correlation between anthropometric and bio-motor attributes, and special judo fitness test.
Methods. Fifty senior judokas (mean ± standard deviation: 20.75 ± 1.80 years old, 178 ± 4.20 cm of height and 21.32 ± 2.81 kg/m2 of BMI) were assessed for some anthropometric and bio-motor variables, and also specific judo fitness level.
Results. Height was in inverse relationship with SJFT (P<0.05). While, the same but a stronger relationship (P<0.01) was found regarding sitting height and fat free mass. Moreover, a significant direct correlation was observed between body fat percentage and SJFT. Similarly, lower body strength, vertical jump height and flexibility (P<0.05), and hand grip strength and anaerobic power (P<0.01) were in inverse relationship with SJFT index. In return, speed (P<0.01) and agility (P<0.05) were directly related to SJFT index.
Conclusions. It seems that excellent performance in specific judo actions depends largely on muscularity and superiority in anaerobic metabolism because of its correlation with attributes such as fat free mass, strength, speed and anaerobic power.