Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology

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Abstract - Proposals of using selected methods of estern health – educational systems in physical culture

Due to the fact that the elements of Eastern culture enter our everyday life it becomes undoubtedly necessary to understand the reasons and advantages of health and hygiene systems with Far East roots. Taiji Quan, Qigong, Aikido, fascinating Yoga, Japanese Zen, Tibetan Kum Nye (the art of balance development) might be called healing- motor and wholesome- educational. Their exotic roots evolve common interest and their almost limitless ways of usage regardless of age, sex, surrounding, psychophysical needs allow adjusting chosen forms in all fields of physical culture. Experience gained throughout centuries and written in Tibetan, Hindu and Chinese books is being studied today. In the Buddha texts based on long tradition it was pointed out that the basis of good health is living in accordance with natural and universal laws, following these laws allows the maintenance of balance between body and brain and lead to nirvana (revelation, the state of being beyond consciousness). It was important for these experiences to appreciate the power of faith, which evolved into patience, brought peace and serenity which together with hard work and deep involvement would eventually lead to constant development. The system of yoga aims at achieving the utter psychophysical ability of an organism, taking methods into consideration; maintaining ethical and moral attitude, following the vegetarian diet, using suitable gymnastic and breathing techniques. Zen system, which has been practised since the 18th century, includes static exercises. The exercises consist of the rhythmical sideways movements of the body keeping the balance for a specific period of time. In order to dominate one's thoughts it is vital to silence the sub consciousness which might be learned through relaxing- concentrating methods. Opportunities are numerous thus following the advice of a teacher- leader, who can choose the right way of development based on individual needs, would be recommended.