Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology

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Abstract - Utilizing contextualized skills and coach intervention to optimize the performance of ultimate full-contact fighters

Background. Ultimate Full Contact requires fighters to have high levels of offensive, counteroffensive, and defensive efficiency as well as ground fighting control, to achieve high performance and win fights. For this reason, and to enhance these skills, coaches must have comprehensive knowledge of all the relevant dynamics to organize and apply methodologies that facilitate performance
improvement in a holistic way.
Problem and aim. The main aim of the present work was to provide coaches with relevant theoretical aspects that allow them to identify the optimal training strategies in an offensive, counteroffensive, and defensive efficiency as well as successful ground fighting control.
Methods. To search for relevant publications and ensure the quality of articles, main data bases were used (i.e., Web of Science, Scopus and PubMed). The utilized search strategy comprised specific search terms based on the research theme.
Results. The results showed that the Ultimate Full Contact training process must be contextually organized so that the fighters value a wide and versatile technical-tactical motor repertoire, skill efficiency and excellent conditioning of their motor capacity. In addition, the training process must start from a cognitive and dynamic-ecological perspective, articulating analytical and integrated training methods through systematic technical-tactical repetitions and exercises that are representative of the competition.
Conclusion. This study concluded that the training process must be developed holistically, and must contain technical-tactical exercises, which simultaneously consider attacks, counter-attacks, defense and fight control using adjusted physical loads. In addition, practical recommendations are also provided.