Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology

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Abstract - Does the philosophy of sport exist?

The methodological status of philosophy of sport is subject of many discussions. There are three positions in this domain: 1. acceptation of philosophy of sport as an independent scientific discipline, 2. affirmation of philosophy of sport but with some reservations, 3. negation of philo­sophy of sport in favour of speaking about philosophical reflections on sport. The first opinion is accepted by: H. Slusher. P. Weiss, R.G. Osterhoud, H. Lenk, C. Caysa and S. Kowal­czyk. This position is motivated by the following arguments: 1. methodological – the formal object of philosophy of sport are universal and durable elements of sport's games (sport is repose, play, competition, autorealisation etc.); 2. pragmatic – there are some currents of the philosophy of sport; this discipline has also some parts – ontology of sport, ethics of sport and aesthetics of sport. Some authors (J. Lipiec) accepted the expression “philosophy of sport” because it is generally applied in the sciences about sport. Other authors (H. Mc Fee, S. Kretchmar, J. Perry, J. Kosiewicz) rejected the term “philosophy of sport” because this science is only application of general philosophy's rules and methods to the domain of sport.