Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology

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Abstract - The perception of the Martial Arts film and aggresive behaviours by adolescent youth

This paper in based on research. The subject of the research was to distinguish the differences which occur in ease of people who are exposed to different kinds of martial arts film and aggression which they contain. The most important thing was to recognize how the presented scenes of aggression influence the children and to what degree they would be inclined to show the aggression after watching a violent movie, and also to what extent they try to justify the aggressive behavior of the fighters depending on the presented martial arts videos.
The basis of the study was the polling data obtained in two research groups, in which different martial arts videos were presented. The movies differed by the degree of aggression. The research was conducted in class I, II and III in gymnasium in the number of N = 400 children. There was used a technique of analyzing the questionnaire’s poll based on the prior presented martial arts videos.
The hypothesis on the influence of brutal scenes of fight to the perception of aggression and violence of viewer was confirmed in the results. The growth of aggression in the subject group is not caused by looking et the martial arts, but the physical constraint presented by heroes, contained in the displayed movie material.