Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology

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Abstract - Propinquity of Scythians and Slavs. Remarks on the state of knowledge of Slavic ethnogenesis

Introduction. The theoretical perspective for the analysis undertaken here, utilises selected historical, linguistic, anthropological, ethnographic and sociological concepts, as well as the results of genetic testing in the male (Y-DNA) and the female (mt DNA) lines of succession. This allows for a multidisciplinary approach.
Aim. The scientific problem to be solved is to explain the ethnogenesis of the Slavs and their relationship to the Scythians. This short study aims to collate the current state of relatively certain knowledge.
Methods. The Content Analysis and the Analysis of Discourse were used. Sources are thematic publications and related literature. Among other things, the motifs on the coats of arms of the Polish nobility were analysed.
Results and Conclusions. The state of our knowledge, which can be described as relatively certain, is now as follows:
1) Western Slavs (Lekhs?) and Poles have been living between the Elbe and the Dnieper rivers, in genetic continuity, at least since C2nd BC.
2) There is a strong relationship between the peoples of Indo-Iranian and Slavic culture (symbolism, beliefs) and the Proto-Slavic
language could be the language of the Indo-Europeans hg R1a1a1. 
In numerous other matters it is necessary to carry out further research.