Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology

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Abstract - Battery of tests to evaluate the level of movement ability in hihgly advanced wrestlers in the Polish national team

The level of movement ability constitutes the foundation of all kinds of training of wrestlers and becomes the source of their sporting success. The search for objective methods of evaluating such abilities has been going on for years. The attempts made so far have been rather unsuccessful and have found no practical application. Taking into consideration the above, the aim of this study was to: 1. Analyze the hitherto existing theoretical and empirical achievements. 2. Construct a set of attempts to assess the level of abilities necessary for wrestlers to achieve success. 3. Verify the set. 4. Implement the set in sport training - as an objective method of evaluating the level of motor abilities of advanced wrestlers.
Methods. Juniors and seniors in the Polish national team in classical and free style were the subjects. The research was carried out between 1981-2002, in various training periods. Each of the researches lasted 2-3 days and comprised a set of 15 (for seniors) and up to 23 attempts (for juniors), and included all necessary movement abilities, both physical (strength, speed, endurance) and movement coordination. Based on the results obtained from the 18 research sessions and conducted on 524 wrestlers, a ”T” scale was established which enabled the transfer of the results obtained in the various units of measurement (kg, cm, s, degrees, number of repetitions) into points. This made it possible to evaluate every movement ability of the wrestlers, as well as to evaluate the total of all abilities and indicate their weak and strong points.
Conclusions: 1. The application of the method described above enabled an objective evaluation of the level of the particular movement ability of the wrestlers in the selected periods of their training to be made. Moreover, it enabled the determination of the leading and outstanding movement abilities, and consequently the profile and composition of these abilities to be established. On this basis individual training plans were established and the style of wrestling was constructed. 2. The use of the battery of tests for many years in the training of wrestlers of different levels of advancement enabled the establishment of normative indexes which rendered it possible to evaluate each and every movement ability in points, as well as allowing the transfer of the number of points into a 11 stage scoring scale (from excellent to poor). 3. Systematic and long term research enabled Polish wrestlers to go through training in which adequate proportions between the development of fitness abilities and movement coordination abilities were properly used. This fact, combined with a number of other properly carried out elements of training, and specifically training in the classical style, made it possible for our wrestlers to achieve great success in international arenas.