Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology

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Abstract - Comparative Kinematical Analysis of Forward Roll Fall, Side Fall, and Forward Break Fall in Individual Kinematic Model

Introduction. In martial arts and combative sports the fall technique is frequently described. Fall techniques are taught in particular martial arts and combative sports differently. We empirically assume that some fall techniques have similar movement structure. There is a supposed possibility of transfer of one movement skill to another in the process of education. Three fall techniques are mentioned under this circumstance: forward roll fall, side fall, and forward break fall. Forward break fall arises from a combination of forward roll fall and a final position with suppression of fall energy. Aim. Comparative kinematical analysis of selected fall techniques and description of common characteristics in individual kinematic model.
Material and methods. As a theoretical base for kinematical analysis a 4-phase model of fall techniques was chosen. This model includes an initiation phase, falling phase, impact phase and a phase of after all position. The examined subject was a teacher of martial arts (4. dan aikido, 2. dan judo, 2. dan iaido) and of self-defence. For the kinematical analysis we used a SIMI Motion 3D system. Thirteen points were monitored – head, left and right shoulder, left and right elbow, left and right wrist, left and right knee and left and right ankle. Gubitz model was used for calculation of gravity centre.
Results. In the phases of initiation and falling in forward roll fall and forward break fall certain congruence was found. However, forward break fall is very often used in a fall with a phase of flying and in a fall with an indistinct motion in x-axis. In this case the similarity between forward roll fall and forward break fall is debatable. Further on, congruence in phases of after fall position in side fall and forward break fall was discovered. On the contrary, we found significant differences in side fall and forward break fall in the initiation phase. The differences were marked mainly in spatio-temporal characteristics. However, it is the initiation phase that is crucial for prevention of an injury caused by a fall.