Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology

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Abstract - Martial arts on coins and medals

Problem and theoretical perspective: The aim of conducted research was to explain the phenomenon of martial arts on coins and medals. The issue has been approached from the perspective of numismatics and related fields as well as the humanist theory of martial arts.
Material and methods: The research material has been mainly catalogue contents and own collection. The following methods have been used: analysis of the literature on the subject and analysis of the contents of the numismatic and medallist values, which have been complemented by historical and comparative reflection on military traditions and symbols of the ways of warriors from various cultures encrypted in those values.
Results and conclusions: Research results and conclusions may be formulated in the following way: Among the images on coins we find 1) martial arts being at the same time combat sports (like the Olympic jūdō and taekwondo or non-Olympic karate and wu shu); 2) contemporary Olympic disciplines of military origin (e.g. fencing); 3) old warrior’s and knight’s skills. Moreover, the following categories are connected with the historic art of war: 1) brave rulers and leaders, historic heroes; 2) writers and literary characters; 3) war heroism and heroes; 4) fortresses. The ideal of a noble and creative master of a moral way is also connected with the way of martial arts, which has been shown on selected examples. Also medals with contents indicating generally physical culture, sport various martial arts and knightly traditions have also been presented.