Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology

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Abstract - Chairs and departments of combat sports at the Polish university schools 1948-2008

The study presents information concerning chairs and departments of combat sports at the Polish universities with a particular emphasis on the achievements of the Chair and Department of Combat Sports and Individual Sports in Rzeszów. Other universities were presented only in brief. A list of achievements of the organizational units of combat sports, spanning over 60-years requires further research and a more detailed study.
More attention should be drawn to a relatively new centre of studies of martial arts and combat sports in Rzeszów. Its faculty members present a great scientific, research and organizational activity. They produce numerous publications, organize conferences and world scientific congresses. Professor Kalina, who works here, is the author of "theory of combat sports' and "combat sports propedeutics, while Professor Cynarski is the author of "humanistic theory of combat sports" and "anthropology of martial arts" concept.

.:Statistics vol. 10 (2010)