Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology

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Abstract - Martial arts ethos from an axio-normative perspective

Perspective. The analysis is conducted from the perspective of social sciences, the core of which is sociology in its various orientations and varieties. The perspectives of structural functionalism, social interactionism, and social conflict and, to a lesser extent, some others that were useful in various parts of the research procedure, were used.
Problem. The aim of the research is to attempt to characterize martial arts from the perspective of ethos and the axio-normative system, in other words, to use these concepts to describe this phenomenon, which is martial arts.
Method. The basic research method is a critical analysis of the literature devoted to the aspects of martial arts that interest us, but also includes an idiographic method, necessary to describe various phenomena and processes occurring in martial arts, and a nomotetic method, necessary to construct certain general statements and to establish regularities of a more general nature.
Results. The ethos of martial arts is patterns of thinking, behavior and actions that are binding and implemented in this community, and shared by its members. The ethos of martial arts is determined by such cultural components as values and norms, procedures, social institutions and roles, customs and morality. The composition of these components and the strength of their interaction play an important role.
Conclusions. The ethos of martial arts, despite its significant embedding in tradition and customs, is shaped by patterns and mechanisms that shape the ethos of (post) modern societies, capitalist societies whose development is determined by the logic of socioeconomics, business, consumerism and media.