Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology

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Abstract - Education to bravery – contemporary understanding and comparing bravery among adepts of selected martial arts

Background. the contemporary perspective of martial arts as a process of education to values necessitates, in a way, a revision of the category of bravery, which is often confined by adepts of the martial arts solely to the concept of courage. The Polish social pedagogue Aleksander Kaminski, in his publication “The Birth of Bravery”, points out that the category of bravery should be seen as a fundamental energy in the service of moral values. In view of this, the question arises as to how to shape attitudes towards bravery among young people so that they meet the challenges of the modern world?
Problem and Aim. the main objective of the research will be to describe how contemporary adepts of selected martial arts interpret and give meaning to the category of bravery. As the main problem of the research, I assumed the question: What significance does the value of bravery have for adepts of selected martial arts?
Methods. the strategy used in addressing the research questions will be quantitative research. The main test method was a diagnostic survey. Within this method, I use a questionnaire survey addressed to practitioners of selected martial arts (judo, aikido, karate). I will present the results of the research in the form of descriptive statistics, (comparison of averages and percentages).
Conclusion. the obtained research results show that each of the studied groups interprets courage slightly differently. However, the greatest importance of bravery among the martial arts studied is shown by the adepts of Aikido.